I hear you Great Mother!

I hear you Great Mother, and I wrote this words for you!

I hear you, Great Mother!
I hear your rivers crying, and your trees saddened. I hear the birds quieting their song, and I hear the cries from the depths of your ocean. Dear Mother, forgive us all for neglecting your magnificent abundance, for abusing your resources so unconsciously.

Forgive us, Mother, for polluting your air, therefore poisoning our minds, blinding our sight. Forgive us, great Mother, for polluting your waters, therefore contaminating our bodies and souls, blinding us to our true essence.

You are being so patient, Great Mother, so compassionate, but we keep bombing, killing, and destroying hectares of your skin so ruthlessly. Yes, your skin is cracking with drought, tiredness, and dehydration, and in other parts, it’s flooding with fiercely waters and erupting fires of destruction!

We are awakening your anger, dear Mother, and you are exploding with rage.
Of course, you are angry. I am too. So many of us are hearing your cry.
Sometimes, I also feel endless rains and tsunamis deep inside myself, that surge unexpectedly and whips everything, clearing the way, bringing so much destruction —inner death, outer death. But we all know, Great Mother, this is a transient body that you gave us to wear our spirit. In fact, you called me down here so I can be a helping hand, to help lift the veil of illusion that stands in front of so many living eyes!

Thank you for lifting my veil, Great Mother, because now I can feel and sense you in such a different way. The way your ocean waves wash over my feet, the way your fire flame dances and touches my skin, the way your rivers run through my naked body into the arms of the ocean, with such poignant grace and beauty, the way your skies explode, offering us vibrant colours at dawns and sunsets!

The way you bless us with a starry sky and panoramic views, the way you fill my dining table with the most delicious food, the way you enchant the gardens with your roses, lilies, and peonies, the way you spin to keep us all safe! Yet we fail you over and over again, taking you for granted, until that one day when you will fail to provide that love, that nourishment, and natural beauty that is the fuel of all existence!

Bear with us, Great Mother! I hear you. Now that I’m awake to your soul and divine presence, I’m your most humble servant, and I must respect and adorn you with songs of grace and devotion, with presence, with gratitude, with power, with love, and with truth!

I love you, Great Mother. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to walk your precious lands and to be your daughter! From your womb, I birthed my way in, and into your womb, I will return and sleep eternally.

Claudia Aurora
16 April 2014

The Great Kiss in the Sky Solar Eclipse 2024

The Great Kiss in the Sky
Solar Eclipse 2024

Total Solar Eclipse 2024

The Great Kiss in the Sky

This dance is nothing short of a miracle. The sacred feminine and masculine, enraptured and entranced in such depth and magnitude, awing the entire universe, which bows in adoration. Both celestial bodies kiss passionately beneath the wonderfully  open and vast sky. The stars, fully present and scintillating, applaud and sing long-forgotten songs of romantic love.

 The remembrance, the reunion, the fusion – all culminate in a blissful, eternal kiss.

“Dear Sun, am I dreaming to feel the pulsating rays of your fiery presence?” the Moon sighs.

“Dear Moon,” The Sun replies, “I can feel your silvery light aura yearning for my touch and this sparks an emotion so profound it takes me on a deep journey into wholeness.
I feel utterly complete as you welcome me under your silver embrace.”

As the Moon rises to meet her celestial lover, he awaits fervently. 

Upon her majestic arrival, he kisses and envelops our dark, receptive Moon with his golden cloak of flames with passion, vigour and power. She swiftly merges into his golden arms overwhelmed by love.

“Dance me to the moon,” whispers the Sun. “I must kiss your silver cheeks. It’s been such a long time since we’ve had this dance, yet it feels like we’ve never been apart because my heart is still drenched with your silver light.

We coexist in total polarity, but we are, in essence, inseparable. This dance has been long written in the stars, ensuring our destinies would cross paths once again. And what an incredible kiss this is…”

As our Queen Moon blends with King Sun, in her bountiful mystery waters, he rejoices and indulges in her caress.

Both hearts yearning for this encounter, both intoxicated by the magical blend of silver and golden light. 

Explosions of beauty and surrender paint the cosmos in a breathtaking display.

Together, their dream and birthed a new dawn – named Aurora, filling the skies with new hope, new faith, new courage, waking us all into a new phase of ascension, ecstasy and consciousness.

Claudia Aurora 8.4.2014

Honouring my Menopause Journey: From Inner Summer to Inner Autumn

Honouring my Menopause Journey: From Inner Summer to Inner Autumn

I have a confession to make:

PERI-MENOPAUSE has been hitting me very hard for the last 6 months. In fact, I believe I’m actually right between the transition between Peri-menopause and Menopause. And what a journey it has been so far… I’ve been dealing not only with a mountain of hot flushes, constant mood changes, depression, and a constant desire to withdraw into my dark cave of loneliness and sit in stillness, not giving a f*** about anything other than being in total surrender and finding inner peace.

Sometimes I lay down on the floor of my lounge and cover my belly with rose petals, essential oils and rose quartz crystals, listening to inspiring, calming guided meditations. Other times, I dance around the kitchen floor listening to Led Zeppelin so very loud my neighbours must think I’m going mad, which I am… Indulging in those deep soul emotions, that ecstasy pulsating through my body, mind, and soul, so much is the energy coming through the pores of my skin. Other times, I just want to cry, so much so, rivers of endless tears as I’m dealing with this separation from Inner Summer to Inner Autumn.

My menopause cycle has arrived a lot earlier than expected in my life… jezzzzz, ‘I won’t bleed ever again in this lifetime.’ Pause, breathe, surrender, and cry again…

MENOPAUSE, that hidden ‘monster’ emerging from the depths of my womb to scare and frighten the hell out of me, it’s here to stay and it’s frightening both for the good and the bad. Depending on the day.

MENOPAUSE: It’s here to make me feel the depth of my wounds, to reveal what’s holding me back, what’s hurting, and what needs healing and release. It’s here to remind me that I must allow transformation to take place, I must cocoon into my caterpillar stage and curl in solitude.

The inevitable and honourable transition into CRONE, into POWER, into TRUE WISDOM… has knocked on my door quite early, and before all of this unfolding process gives birth to a new form and a new me, I must declutter, I must surrender, I must pause, I must heal and I must accept I’m changing, a lot.
I’m becoming more authentically me, I’m growing in both power and intuition, hence experiencing the many deaths, the letting goes, the emotional turbulence, the despair, the extreme sensitivity, the thin-skinned, and demolitions, so many demolitions… yet I can already feel new sprouts of life on the surface of my skin.

Simultaneously, I can also experience great moments of bliss, joy, creativity, deep insights, spiritual connection and clear intuitive wisdom. I started to ‘see‘ much more and in much greater depth; it can even be scary at times.

Nevertheless, the call for withdrawal is very consistent alongside the need for ritual, for nature, for stillness, for nourishment, for divine connection and contemplation is a constant necessity I can’t avoid…

I believe that if we women take the time to process and honour this powerful and delicate menopause initiation, it can be one of the most incredible and transformative phases in a woman’s life. This is why I’m preparing to step out of the closet and be of service to help other women during this magnificent process and cyclical change.

Watch this space for wonderful and inspiring upcoming news & events to support women through stages of Menopause!!

I’m preparing to hold space for women to be held safe while processing, releasing, healing, and preparing to welcome and embody her inner Queen out from the depths of her sacred womb. To help her claim her majestical throne of power, her authority, her purpose, to finally step into authenticity with no guilt or shame or self-sabotage.

To finally wear her new royal gown with such honour and pride, her light will be astoundingly bright, like those of the stars. To wear her aged skin, wrinkles, grey hairs with dignity and become an example of truth and love both towards herself and for other women to inspire and aspire to also embody their true selves in total surrender and acceptance.

A time when She values her feminine essence in such high regard, a time where she uses her wisdom, intuition, and power to light the next way forward, into a new form, a new path, birthing a new woman into life. And what a woman She is, WILD, WHOLE & AWESOME

Claudia Aurora
7 April 2024

Thank you Great Mother!

Channeled prayer to Mother Gaia and the Creatrix of Love and light in the Universe.

Thank you Great Mother

Today I share with you a channeled thankful prayer to the Great Mother of all Life.

Thank you Great Mother Earth, Great Mother Water, Great Mother Star.
Thank you for your divine light and nourishment!

Thank you for the intuitive guidance, beauty and inspiration, thank you for taking me in, deeply into your sweet arms of love and tenderness.

In your green and blue motherly nest and cocoon I sleep and rest most profoundly, bringing me back onto wholeness, balance, into my peace.

Under your love Great Mother of Light, I remember my grace and recover my unique spark of strength and joy in this earthly existence!

With your natural medicine I regain a new skin to bathe under the new Sun!

Thank you for the song, thank you for the dawn.

Thank you for sending the friend who appears like a shooting star, filled with words of wisdom and heartfelt compassion when life hurts or when the sky turns grey and shadows my vision with darkness and thunder. Thank you for helping part those clouds of despair and sadness from my watery, blurry eyes.

 To you I bow in great love and devotion because in you I find my ultimate safety, healing and surrender. Thank you Mother Earth, thank you mother water, thank you mother Star!

Claudia Aurora
4 April 2024

Releasing the Old Self – words of wisdom

Releasing the Old Self

To release a side of you that no longer resonates is no easy task, dear child. It requires so much courage, determination, and compassion towards oneself. As you navigate through life and start uncovering the multilayers of your inner being, more buds will start blooming into the light as others gradually shed and fall to the ground. You can still appreciate the beauty of this fall that you once called grace.

You find yourself constantly shifting, transforming, rediscovering inner talents, gifts, and treasures that were hidden from your sight. Even though they were only dormant, you still had plenty of glimpses and whispers as they never stopped beaming, even if only slightly from within you. But they can no longer be sustained in the darkness of your soul; they must sprout and grow into the light. The time is now; don’t suppress this call any longer.

It’s important not to become attached to an old way of being, and this also relates to the youth of the body. One must accept the changes, the cycles, the inner and outer transformations that take place every second, every day, every month, and every year. The same applies to old forms of expression, interaction, creativity, thinking, and ways of living. It’s okay to change and to move on; in fact, it’s inevitable because rust solidifies and decays both the mind, body, and spirit. It’s okay to cry and mourn over that old self because a death is taking place and it hurts as you rip the old pages. You are just removing a mask that you wore for so long, but no longer fits your new face and the new path unfolding right before your eyes.

So turn to the heart, dear one. What’s it saying to you? Where does it want to lead you? Which new road, which new ocean, which new sights? You are invited to discard, to remove that mask with no shame or guilt. Be still; let it melt away with your tears. It will soon be replaced with a wondrous new smile and faith. Spring is again knocking on your door, and the flowers will soon start flourishing in the garden of your heart. Hold on to those, surrender, and trust your divine path.

Journalling Promps:

What is no longer aligned in your life?
Which version of you is outdated?
What are you willing to release?
What are you willing to welcome and embrace?

Full Moon in Leo healing transmission

Full Moon in Leo healing transmission

Full Moon in Leo

Hello beautiful souls. 

Today I prepared a Full Moon in Leo (Wolf Moon) healing message. Take a moment between today and tomorrow and say this words aloud. Let the energy renter your feminine heart to bring healing and purification to help release those grudges. 

The radiant Leo sign is here blended with the Mother Moon to help you clear and detox your heart with its vibrant fires.

 Invite Her light into your being and let go of those burdens you carry heavy on your shoulders, mind and heart. 

Breathe deeply and let the grace of the great mother Moon into your depths.  Let the burning flames of the sign of Leo ignite and consume all that no longer serves you.

Release all trapped emotions to the healing power of the sacred feminine and masculine re-united in a sacred symphony.

I promise you will wake up feeling saner, lighter and empowered to begin new again, into another cycle, another story but this time filled with more radiance, splendour and peace.

Under this Fiery Moonlight, I let it go, I let go, I let go, I release everything or just anything that no longer lights up my soul …. I create sacred space within me and I let all dark emotions drip into the silver rivers of compassion.

Leo is here with its majestical gown of sacred fire to help me ROAR into the wild all those trapped emotions of fear, doubt, resentment and guilt. 

 Together we will create new space in my sublime heart.

And later on when I go to sleep, I will take Mother Moon into bed with me and I will remember that I am never alone in my grief, in my pain.

Tonight She will be my blanket of comfort and Leo will be my bonfire, in total collusion they join forces this January cycle 2024 to remove from me all heaviness from my aura and refill me instead with power, purpose, positivity and joy. 

Today I let this light in, with no resistances or fear, I let it cleanse and purify my brave heart ever so profoundly. I simply  surrender and allow the intelligent light do the work for me.

I let this Moon show me the way back to myself, to my centre.
And So be it and So it is.
In Love and light!

Happy Full Moon in Leo

Claudia x

PS: Join my Women’s Circle with Goddess Aphrodite in my new ‘Temple of the Rose’ in London.

Happy Full Moon in Leo,
Claudia Aurora

Essence – Ascended Master White Eagle wisdom & teachings

Ascended Master White Eagle wisdom & teachings


Essence is the sweet marrow within your bones, it’s the transparent force of your soul that surfaces each time someone or something ignites a spark in you. It’s that scent, that unique note that fills the room, the song, the irradiation that flows incessantly from within you, that something that feels intangible yet it’s as real as the pulsating Earth beneath your feet.

The essence is the language of the soul, you can’t create it because you are it. You emerged from it, and you will always carry it, forever inked on your skin, in your words, in your Presence.

When you encounter a place or a person, you can feel the essence. This translucent force subtly permeates you, indicating if it’s worth pausing, contemplating, listening or absorbing.

Be aware of those who walk beside you, who fill, refill, or empty.
Be aware of those who drag and those who lift, those who admire from above and those who resent from below, those who smile from the purity of the heart and those who laugh from a facade created by the ego. Be aware of those who judge, conceal, or keep their true selves hidden even from themselves. Don’t blame anyone; don’t criticise, instead, protect yourself, pray and send light.

And hopefully, the next time you encounter such a soul, you’ll sense a layer might have been peeled away, allowing you to dig a little deeper and catch a glimpse of their truth and essence.

You were once the purest seeds of the whole universe. However, as you sprout into the daylight, you are forced to raise your arms into the sky to survive, you are forced into the wilderness of life, to face winds, storms, and rains that manipulate and distort growth and expansion.

But as time passes and you stretch your arms long and wide toward the infinite, seeking to escape from the mundane, muddy earth and quicksands, you move in and out in spirals, relentlessly catching your breath, however, this is not deformation; it’s contouring—you’re finding a way around, exploring new spaces within you, and ultimately growing into maturity, wisdom, and peace, and then you relax, surrender, and let go, wrinkled by the lessons of life and the imprints of time.

Like that tree you so much love and admire, that stands in solitude over the hill of your dreams, it may seem immovable and stuck when in stillness, yet, so much life flows through and out of it.

And its capacity, persistency, and determination to share its natural beauty with all of the world is immeasurable and priceless. That tree is so precious as she kisses the stars, lives in harmony with All That Is, and so are you in your true essence.

With Love & light,
Claudia 23 January 2024

Awake your inner Goddess, Sacred Circle with the Divine Feminine – London

AWAKE YOUR INNER GODDESS, Sacred Circle with the Divine Feminine – London

Greetings beloved women,

Welcome to the new Temple of the Rose, a sacred space in Streatham created by astrologer & energy healer Claudia Aurora, dedicated to encouraging & facilitating women’s empowerment and healing and transformation.

At our gathering in February, we will immerse ourselves in the grounding and purifying energy of the earthy full moon in Virgo. Together we will embark on a sacred journey to cleanse and heal the heart chakra and invoke the presence of the Goddess of Love, Aphrodite.

Our ritual will focus on increasing self-esteem, embracing sensuality and igniting inner radiance. 

Claudia’s circles are a powerful tapestry of transformative healing practises and includes guided meditations, breath work, ancient ritual practices, sound bath healing crystal bowls and singing voice, introspective journaling, intuitive oracle card readings and a joyous moment of tea and homemade cakes to celebrate the reunion.

This sacred space is a tapestry where we pay homage to awake the goddess within each one of us. It serves as a vessel for women to receive intuitive guidance, healing and nurturance. Within these circles, emotions can be celebrated, shared and released without judgment, its a space for inner contemplation, deep relaxation, and a fountain of revitalising energy to help you return back to your centre and balance your energy levels.

As you prepare to join us, bring an outfit that resonates with your feminine spirit at the moment, a red, white or pink rose and a notebook with pen, and most of all bring an open heart to receive the healing, love & the blessings of the Goddess!

I look forward to welcoming you to my magical ROSE TEMPLE.
With Love and light,

Sunday 25th February

43, Strathbrook road

Price £25
Please book in advance as spaces are limited


If you wish to receive information about future circles please get in touch

🌙 Temple of the Rose:  A Tapestry of Transformative Healing with the Divine Feminine🌙

Step into the embrace of empowerment and healing at the New Temple of the Rose in Streatham, a sacred space created by astrologer, energy healer and singer Claudia Aurora.

At the heart of our full moon in Virgo gathering, we will engage in a sacred ritual,  focusing on the cleansing and healing of the heart chakra. 

This journey includes: sound healing, sacred ritual, journalling, oracle reading, tea ceremony and a opportunity to connect with other women and form a supportive community.

Together, we will invoke the divine presence of Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love, to amplify self-esteem, embrace sensuality, and ignite inner radiance.


Healing and Nurturing: Working with the Divine Feminine it can facilitate healing on emotional, mental, and spiritual levels, promoting a sense of inner balance and well-being.

Intuition and Inner Wisdom: The Divine Feminine consciousness is often associated with intuition and inner wisdom. Engaging with this aspect can help women tap into their intuitive abilities, leading to more powerful, aligned and authentic decision-making.

Creativity and Expression: Connecting with the Divine Feminine encourages a free flow of creativity and self-expression. It can unlock dormant creative energies, fostering artistic and innovative endeavours.

More Emotional Resilience: Enhances emotional resilience, providing a deeper understanding and acceptance of all inner emotions, resulting in emotional well-being.

Empowerment: The Divine Feminine embodies qualities of strength, empowerment, and self-love. Engaging with these aspects can help individuals cultivate a strong sense of self-worth, boundaries and empowerment.

Connection to Nature cycles: Working with the Goddess can deepen one’s connection to nature, fostering a sense of harmony and balance with the environment.

Relationship Harmony: Can bring about a greater understanding of relationships dynamics. It may lead to more compassionate, conscious and harmonious connections with others.

Cyclical Awareness: The Divine Feminine is often associated with cycles, such as lunar phases and life stages. Embracing these cycles can bring about a heightened awareness of life’s natural rhythms, promoting acceptance and adaptability.

Spiritual Growth & swift evolution: Engaging with the Goddess can be a catalyst for spiritual growth, providing a framework for self-discovery and a deeper connection to the sacred aspects of life.

Balance of Masculine and Feminine Energies: Working with the Divine Feminine encourages the integration of both feminine and masculine energies, fostering a more balanced and holistic approach to life and personal development.


Cascading Pain – Ascended Master White Eagle wisdom & teachings

Cascading Pain – Ascended Master White Eagle Wisdom & Teachings

“Cascading Pain:
A Tale of Tears Turned Honey”

Amidst the storm, one can feel desolated and lonely; thunder seems endless.
However, everything in life passes by with no exceptions.

So, part those dark clouds from your haunted, sad eyes, burdened by a past long gone.
Let this past be released under the rain that gently graces over your face from the infinite sky above. Let those teardrops wash away all sadness from your heart as tears they cascade from your eyes, salted waterfalls of pain.
Let them fall into the palm of your hands, caressing your fingers as they drip into the naked earth.

These tears are valid, and so is your sadness.

The pain that swirls in your chest is an emotion that once crystallised in your heart like ice, and can freeze you from seeing and feeling love. Yet, you are Eternal Love.

And as you patiently part those dense clouds from your sight and allow the golden rays of the warm sun to infiltrate the cold layers of your heart, you will feel these emotions flowing out of you like currents of energy—transforming, transmuting, and nourishing your soul with experience, growth and wisdom. Isn’t this worth suffering for? And remember you are not suffering, you are simply ‘living’.

Even when the pain is astoundingly severe, unjust, causing deep scars in your sensitive soul, and the stars seem to shine distant, well beyond your grasp, rest assured they do shine down on you beautifully and incessantly.

Because there’s always a light for you and for everyone else, always a new day after the night. You simply must learn a different way navigate the cycles wisely but with least resistance and accept to surrender…

Keep attending to the practices that bring you joy, radiance, and peace while sailing the stormy rains and maneuvering the winds. Everyone has their own spiralling journeys; it is inevitable in the school of Earth. To go smooth road at all times is a grace that not many can yet experience.

Here you must travel through all emotions, including the internal and external darkness that resides in all things, because the main and most important mission of your journey is to gain both bravery and compassion, therefore power, to dig under the armour of the heart, and find the most valuable treasure of life,

which is LOVE.

Claudia Aurora, 17th January 2024, London

Whispers of the Heart -Ascended Master White Eagle Wisdom & Teachings

Whispers of the Heart – Ascended Master White Eagle Wisdom & Teachings

“Whispers of the Heart”

Let you heart speak through wisely and deep.
Let it break  let it leak, let it pour out all the crystalline waters of Love and wisdom.
Your heart is your well of power and magic and theres where true healing can happen.
Through the heart you access your truth, your authenticity and you most sublime treasure.

The gold dust of the universe shine sin your heart, so if you intend to be an explorer, bravely start you inwards marvellous adventure.
This inner landscape will never cease to surprise you, and you will never run out of inspiration. Inside your heart lies the most precious diamonds, transparent, sacred and pure.

So, next time you sadness despairs and clouds your vision and hope, travel inwards. Be still and contemplate.

Inside this peaceful temple you will soon realise the strength that emerges from within you, is undoubtedly a unmeasurable force that has the power to change everything, and I mean truly everything. 

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